
Two Weeks. Two Weeeks!

Two Weeks.jpg

Well, by golly gosh, can you beleive it?  It's just two weeks until the start of BPIC's 12/13 season.

If you're interested in joining, come along and see us at 7.30pm on Thursday the 6th September.

You'll be able to see what we're about, and we'll be providing details of the sign-up process on the night.

We'll see you there!

PS - The first person to name the relevance of the picture and post title in the comments gets extra geek kudos points.

Walk This Way

BPIC's esteemed Vice-Chairman (Brian Maguire) has just finalised plans for a Belfast City Centre based photowalk as part of Scott Kelbey's Fifth Annual | Worldwide Photowalk.

This will take place on Saturday the 13th October between 12:45pm and 3pm and full details can be found on the photo walk page.

This is not a BPIC only event, it's open to anyone who likes;

  1. Taking photos
  2. walking
  3. meeting people who like taking photos and walking

If this sounds like you, then sign up and we'll see you there.

John Craven Loves Stephen Wilson!

​Dark Tree

​Dark Tree

Congratulations to BPIC member Stephen Wilson!

We've just heard that Stephen's fantastic image Dark Tree was selected as runner-up in the BBC Countryfile Photo Competition out of a staggering 50,000 entrants.  His image will be used in the 2013 Countryfile calendar.

Our sources on the inside also report that this image was one of John Craven's favourites.

Congratulations Stephen!

Ulster American Folk Park


Barry, Martin, Aysha, Gareth, Gerald, Steve, Debbie, Dean, Brian & Matt

Today a small, but perfectly well formed, band of intrepid BPIC'ers traveled up hill and down dale all the way to the Ulster American Folk Park. Their goal was to have some fun and take some decent pictures. Here are some of those pictures:

The full gallery can be viewed here.

Thanks to everyone who attended and made it a great day out.

Ross Represents!

The 2012 PAGB Annual Exhibition will feature 8 prints submitted from NIPA clubs, this is one of the best ever results for NIPA.  Of the 8 prints selected a phenomenal 3 belong to BPIC's own Ross McKelvey!

Without further ado, I present to you:

​Rough Justice

​Rough Justice



Congratulations Ross!

Ahoy Shipmates

Yesterday some intrepid, nautical BPIC'ers were given the opportunity to clamber all over H.M.S. Caroline. This was a unique opportunity and definitely a photographer's dream to explore.

Thanks to BPIC's Roger for hooking us up, and a very special shout out to Billy for making it happen.

Here's a sample of shots taken:

And here's the full gallery.

A First for BPIC

Congratulations to Helen Weir who has successfully been recommended for the Licentiateship of the Royal Photographic Society on 20th May 2012. Helen is the first female member of BPIC to be awarded with such distinction. Well done!

Helen's hanging plan of her submission:


Success at Athlone

Fantastic results from Martin Courtney AIPF, Melissa Gordon LIPF, Jaime Valente LIPF and Dermott Sweeney LIPF, registered under Imagemakers who were successful on Saturday 19th May 2012 at Athlone. Commiserations to David Donnelly, Ryan Wilson and David Reid at their attempt of the LIPF and also to Ross McKelvey who bravely attempted the FIPF.

Well done to everyone for their hard work and efforts. Images of the panels are due to appear over the next few days.

Jaime Valente Panel


Dermott Sweeney Panel


BPIC Photographer of the Year - Round 3

Tonight saw the judging of the 3rd round of the BPIC Photographer of the Year competition.  The subject of this round was Narrative Photography and was a print only round.

There was a fantastic selection of prints submitted making the job of our guest judge Stanley that much harder.

In the Novice category Roger Eager placed first with a maximum 20/20, followed closely by Brian Maguire who scored 19.

In the Advanced category first place was taken by Ross McKelvey with 19/20 and second place want to Karen McCrea with 17.

It was a great show from the club Novice category, with both members scoring higher than their Adcanced counterparts :)

Congratulations to everyone who took part.

Roger Eager


Brian Maguire

brian maguire - as we that are left grow old.jpg

Ross McKelvey


More images from this round can be viewed here.