
Coming Up: 25th Oct - NIPA Round 2 Selection Night

This week is Round 2 selection of the NIPA club competitions where each member can submit 1 x Colour print, 1 x Mono print and 1 x PDI (Either colour or mono).

Remember that in order to submit a PDI you must log into the website using the username and password which was sent to when you registered. If anyone is having problems with this please contact Matt our website administrator using the contact section of the website or alternatively email me.

This Thursday is also showing of Round 1 at Christian Brothers. If anyone would like to attend the evening and wishes to submit images please contact me directly to arrange collections of prints.


Barry Lau

Such beautiful people

BPIC's first studio night of the season kicked off with a brief introduction around the different light setups that the club currently uses, tungsten and strobe (flash).

Barry spoke about the problems some may face, such as white balance and camera sync speed and how both lighting setups differ.

Barry then covered the recent success of both members getting starred prints at NIPA and also the displaying of round 1 at Christian brothers next Thursday, this unfortunately clashes with the round 2 selection night.

PAGB PDI Competition Results

In the Open section NIPA came 13th out of 15 federations.  492 images were entered with only 210 being selected to make up an exhibition.  Of the 210 in the exhibition only 5 came from NIPA.  Of those 5, 2 came from BPIC's Ross McKelvey.

​The Judge

​The Judge



In the Natural History section NIPA came 14th out of 14 federations.  317 images were entered with only 75 being selected to make up an exhibition.  Of the 75 in the exhibition only 1 came from NIPA.  This image came from BPIC's Martin Lamb.

​Puffin Hijack

​Puffin Hijack

NIPA may not have performed well, but BPIC were extremely well represented in the NIPA entry.  Well done guys!

Coming Up: 18th Oct - Studio Night

Hi Everyone,

This week is our first studio night of the season. It will be the perfect opportunity to get a hands on approach with studio lighting as well as the opportunity to ask any questions about any topics you may be struggling with.

Instead of bringing in a professional model we will be shooting each other! This is a great way to meet and chat to other members and get comfortable taking shots in a studio environment.

Feel free to bring along any props or items of interest to make your photograph that bit different - Hats, scarfs, glasses etc.

I look forward to seeing you there!



Janine Walker

Last night we had the first guest speaker of the season, and what a start it was!

Janine Walker was new to public speaking, but you wouldn't have believed, she kept the audience engaged, inspired and amused as she detailed the evolution of her career and talked about her workflow and methodology.

You can find out more about Janine here and she was kind enough to share a list of her inspirations with us; 

Thanks Janine.

Coming Up: 11th Oct - Guest Speaker - Janine Walker

Hi Everyone,

This week we have our first guest speaker, Janine Walker.  

Janine specialises in both wedding and kids photography. She had managed to carve herself a successful career alongside caring for her three young children. 

You can check out her fantastic work at:

Hopefully she will share a few secrets of her success with us on Thursday night! 


Last Night: Critique Night

We kicked off last night's session by reviewing the PDI submission for NIPA round 1, members can find full results and judges comments here.

We then spent the rest of the evening in an informal critique of member's work, many thanks to Terry McCreesh and Gerald Gribbon for leading the proceedings with their insightful and constructive comments.  

We also encouraged feedback from the audience and were delighted with the amount of participation from a largely novice audience, as well as keen insights from the more experienced members.

We also introduced this season's membership card, please see Helen to receive yours.  A special shout out goes to Gerald Gribbon for the design and Brian Maguire for arranging the printing.

Coming Up: 4th Oct - Beginners - Bring your best images for critique/feedback

Hi All,

This week we have "Beginners - Bring your best images for critique/feedback". This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to bring along your images digitally or in print to be viewed and to receive feedback and ways of improving yours photos by simple techniques from our more advanced members.

Whilst we don't like to encourage people to skip club nights, we felt we had to let you know that Donal McCann will be giving a talk alongside another Fellow of the RPS at Christian Brothers. This will be around both successful Fellowship panels. The evening is open to anyone wishing to attend. The address for the club for those wishing to pop along is 283-289 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2GZ

I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday. As before, could I please ask for everyone's help in getting the room set up at the start of the evening and again at end. It is much appreciated.



Shorts Camera Club - My Titanic East Belfast Competition

BPIC member Roger Eager entered the Shorts Camera Club - My Titanic East Belfast Competition and I'm delighted to announce that his image came second overall in the colour section.

H W Blue.jpg

Roger's print is one of the 20 successful entries that will be displayed in an exhibition over the coming months, details of which, as well as the full selection of 20 images can be found here.